Christian Challenge (College)








Jim & Teri Robinson    

1002  West First Street Coffeyville  KS  67337 

620-515-2555     Email:  

Connect on Facebook here! 

The Challenge

To challenge students to worship God with joy and passion, by trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord, pursuing daily intimacy with Him, living according to His Word, building Christ-centered friendships, and equipping others to impact the world all for the Glory of God.



The Uncommon Mission

To Become:

Maturity is a process, not an event.  We invite students to the on-going relationship of knowing Jesus.  None of us have or ever will be perfect, but we always seek to be growing to know Him more fully for the rest of our lives.


To Prepare:

We are solidly convinced that God yearns for the whole world to know Him.  This includes every nationality, every language, and every people group.  It is too small a thing for us to live for anything less.  This awareness impacts everything we do in life


Weekly Events

Christian Challenge meetings @ CCC

A time for celebration in worship. A place to gain perspective and momentum for the week.


Small Group

A community of people where your knowledge of God and His Word are increased and your faith is practically applied to life.


Check out our EVENTS Page!